Join a group of compassionate sensitive women stepping into their power…Hey there, beautiful! If the thought of putting yourself first fills you with confusion and anxiety… If you'd love to have a better relationship with your body, and begin to honour it more… If you want to feel more confident, supported and valued… All while creating a life you utterly fancy the pants off… I got you! Honour is a safe space to be yourself, where you'll effortlessly form deep connections with other women, Because, as you'll discover, they're experiencing similar challenges to you. I keep hearing from my 'Honourees' (they named themselves) that they feel validated and not alone in how they're feeling. The other thing I hear often is how supportive Honour has been during really difficult times. |
Lindsey MasonDuring the time we’ve been ‘honouring’ ourselves in this group, I have noticed a deeper connection to myself and the person I want to be. I have worked with Penny one on one in the past, and Honour offers similar support from Penny, with the added bonus of a group of women who can challenge me in different ways to connect more deeply to myself, and by doing so connect more deeply to the people in my life. I am so excited to be on this journey to my best self with this amazing group!
Why I think you'll love honour…
I make sure that everyone who joins Honour is aligned with each other. The energy and serendipities that run through the participants is always freakily uncanny in the best possible ways. 'Me too!' is a popular phrase along with 'Yes I feel that!' people often thank each other for saying the thing they'd not been able to put into words for themselves. |
I can't tell you how many breakthrough moments I've had with clients via this same level of support via telegram. This piece alone is worth the price of the full programme! |
It's empowering and motivating to have others witness what you've overcome and to see the amazing changes you're creating. |
I've been dedicated to self-work, up-skilling and receiving mentoring for over two decades now. But in the early stages I found this work incredibly challenging, I always say I'm my most difficult client I've ever had! Which made me an excellent teacher, and because of all the work I've done and the support I receive, I carry a powerful energy of transformation that whoever works with me taps into this, speeding things up for them too. |
So often the challenges and big life upgrades you create happen silently in the background, but when there's a community of you all working on big changes together this creates greater momentum for everyone and elevates your results. |
I've created Honour with the strong intention for everyone who joins to deepen and nourish the relationship with themselves helping them to create the lives they want. Simple but perfect because everything you want to change, or create, starts from within. So basically… get ready to start experiencing a life your adore! |
Gimme the details!
2x Masterclasses p/month with the recordings sent straight to your inbox so you'll never miss out.
Direct Access
Access to me on tap. I set plenty of time aside to answer all your voice messages and texts.
Daily Coaching
Daily coaching from me. You'll receive insights, challenges, support and more every day to keep you aligned and focused on creating the life you want.
Support from your awesome community! Everyone who enters Honour is aligned with uplifting others, this makes Honour an incredibly safe and nourishing space of soul sisters.
Well Organised
Well organised and searchable content means you'll easily be able to find comments and posts you wish to revisit.
No Long-term Commitment
It's important to me that you're loving being in Honour, and that means you're welcome to step away at anytime.
Be Anywhere In The World
No matter where you're placed on the globe Honour is designed to work for you.